Sunday, July 13, 2008
A whole new sem.....(sem5)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Animal or Human?
My Great Experience....
Saturday, March 29, 2008
We have seen 5 movies: Shakespeare Wallah, Macbeth, Pygmalion, Streetcar Named Desire and As You Like It. I think my favorite movie is Pygmalion; not because of the love issue in the movie, but because I could see how the lower class people wanted to learn a proper way of speaking English so that she can become a lady. I am really impress with the heroin as she can totally changed her way of speaking into a really good manner way. I do not think that I can do like her, instead I definitely can’t be like her. That is really too difficult for me.
As for Shakespeare Wallah, what I interested in this movie is plays by William Shakespeare that mentioned in the movie. At least I can know a bit about the setting stage of William Shakespeare’s plays in this movie. The setting of the stage is really a big works; many things have to be considered to do a play. For example, the custom of the actors, the background of the stage and a lot more. All these preparations make me impress!
Macbeth, a violent movie; yet I think it is suitable during that time. It is a war movie, so I think violent must be included in it. In this movie I got a message about the greed of human. The greed of power and wealth can change a person from loyal person to a betrayer. The fear of losing power will lead a person to become cruel until he will kill kids and disrespect to women. So, as a human, we should control our desire, because desire is the main reason of leading us to do improper things.
The other two movies (Streetcar Named Desire and As You Like It), are quit interesting too. If I have a chance, I would go and watch these plays in theatre. I think that will be a very interesting!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
How others evaluate my teaching
How others evaluate my simulated teaching? I think they focus more on my pre-reading stage. They will check whether my extract is suitable or not with my selected topic. Some of them focus more on my set induction which is quite violence for them. Yet, for me, violence is what I wanted to convey to them as my selected topic is the characteristics of violent in
Friday, March 7, 2008
How I evaluate others' teaching
The first thing that I will consider when I evaluate others’ simulated teaching is the type of set induction that they used. I will see whether the set induction that they used is related to what they are going to teach or not. Besides, I am also quite care whether the set induction is interesting or not; as set induction is very important to get the students’ attention. I had an experience where the set induction is really boring as the teacher does not know what type of background knowledge that the students have. The teacher just shows a confusing picture and asked the students what the picture about. This type of set induction is really bad as it would lose the attention of the students.
Second, I will consider about the task that the teacher chose for students to attempt. In this case, I will first relate the task with the proficiency of the students, whether they are advanced, intermediate or beginner. If the target students are beginner, then the task that given to them should have guidance. Teacher also has to guide the students when they are attempting the task. If the students are advanced, the task that is given should be more difficult and more to high level of thinking skills. For example, exercise that involves analysis is suitable for them. Ask the students to analyze the use of language in the abstract is one of the suitable activities for advanced students.
Third, is the way that the teacher teaches. The voice that the teacher used should be appropriate. Be sure that students can listen what the teacher is teaching. Slow voice is definitely not suitable; as the students could not hear what the teacher is teaching and they will feel boring in the class. They will start to do other things and lose attention to what the teacher is teaching. Besides voice, the activities that the teacher used must be interesting. Make the students to move around the class by doing some role play activities. Then the students will feel excited and like to attend to the class.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The most accepted is when he was seven, God blinded him as he revealed certain things that men should not know.
Another story is he was blind as he saw Goddess Athena taking bath. His mother begged Athena to restore his eyes, but instead of restoring his eyes, Athena gave him a staff so that he can walk like having vision and gave him the knowledge of bird.
Another story is he was in a dispute between Hera and Zeus and he went against her, so Hera blinded him. Zeus gave him a longer life and the gift of Prophecy in order to compensate him.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Palm vs Fate

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
life life life....
The perception of Life, that is what the authors said in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, The Four Ages of Man by William Butler Yeats and As You Like it by William Shakespeare. In the poem (The Four Ages of Man), Yeats divided a man’s age in to 4 stages. Shakespeare divided a man’s age into seven stages in his drama. As for Oedipus Rex, the riddle that mentioned in the play divided man into 3 stages. Yet, in this play, the life of a man is some sort of a tool that God used to fill up their free times. I do not know whether is it proper for me to say that, but I do think that God is playing with Oedipus’ fate. Oedipus is wise, but he could not solve the unfortunate fate that given by the God for him. Man could not run away from their fate and death. These 3 literature works do mention about the stage of becoming old. People will suffer from sickness and one day we will be dead.
another post abut Oedipus....
I got much new information in drama today. I was talking with my friends at cafĂ© and we started to talk about Oedipus Rex. There was information that is quite interesting for me. One of my friends told me that the Sphinx is actually the metaphor of Oedipus’ mother (also his wife), Iocaste. Oedipus succeeded to solve the riddle that is given by the Sphinx and the Sphinx dashed herself to death. Then, when Oedipus reveals the truth of King Laios’ murder, Iocaste summit suicide. So, you see the connection between these two events? One more information, about the life between King Laios and Iocate. Actually they had been told that they could not be married as their son will kill the father. Yet, they got married also but they do not have sex. Unfortunately, one night when King Laios was drunk, he “raped” Iocaste. (can I say it as “Rape”? They are husband and wife. Well, it is quite complicated.) So, Iocaste pregnant and gave birth to Oedipus. This information made me feel more that the antagonist, the source of conflict in Oedipus, is come from King Laios. He knew these things will happen, but he could not control his lust and all the things that happened in Oedipus’ life are the price that he had to face for the mistake that he did. King Laios is the man that started all the unfortunate things in his family. He can not blame the fate, as the fate already told him what would happen.
Monday, January 28, 2008
My short performance....
The things that I will consider for my short performance are:
- The audience.
- The stage for my performance.
- Costume.
- The actors that involve in the play.
The audience, the first and most important thing that I will consider for my short play. I will consider who my audiences are. What type of play do they like? Romantic? Comedy? Or tragic? If my audiences are children, then I will put some fairy tale element inside my play. Actually, I would like to present a play for small children long time ago. I think it would be fun and interesting.
Second, the stage. If my stage is big, then I can put more things to decorate the stage, and I got more space for my stage director to show his creative talent. If my stage is small, I will use every single space more carefully to enhance the view of the stage.
The third element is the costume. Is the costume that I needed traditional or modern? I would like to perform a Victorian area’s play. I like their costume so much. If I got a chance to wear it, it will be a great experience for me!
The last thing that I will consider is the actors of the play. Are my actors experienced or are they new actors? Actors are one of the important elements in a play as they are the tool to convey the message in a play. So I would pick some experienced actors to work together with the new actors. This is because the experienced actor can teach the new actors to perform better.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Oedipus Rex
Maybe, maybe this is the faith for a wise person. God is testing him for he had such a good brain. He solved the riddle of Sphinx, he gave the light to his people; this show his wiseness. But, there is no human in this world that is wiser than the God. Oedipus could not run from his faith for killing his own father and married with his mother although he tried hard to avoid it. There must be a reason for God to give a wise thinking to Oedipus; as people said, we do not know what God is thinking.